I assume you know what you look like because you have a mirror. I heard that some people in Africa don't know what they look like because they have no mirror.
But you. You do know what you look like.
Even the plastic wrapping on the bus seat in front of me on my way to work gives me an idea how I look with no make-up. And I see I have to put make-up because my face looks pale without it.
In today's technology-enabled world, we have digicams, video cams, photography, lenses, a make-up mirror. I once had an experience of going into a bathroom with all four sides from the ceiling to the floor covered in mirrors. Talk about seeing yourself take a dump in all four complete angles!
How about something more natural? Like a water pool.
No one is ignorant of how they look nowadays, again except for some in Africa that have yet to know what they look like, not having what people in the West and most parts of Asia do.
And I stop to think about God making man in His image. In the image and likeness of God, He made man - male and female.
"So God created mankind in his own image,
in the image of God he created them;male and female he created them."
(Genesis 1:27, NIV)
Does anyone know the depths of that thought? GOD MADE YOU AND ME IN HIS IMAGE.
My friends just had their baby. While I can't tell yet which one he looks like more - the mother or the father, I only know that my FATHER in heaven took time for me to resemble HIM. WHY?
Rebecca Greenwood in her book "Destined to Rule" says that we are made of three things - the body, soul and spirit. This one sounds very familiar to the trinity of man that I learned as a child in Catholicism.
When God made us in his image, man was given a soul that he may think, rationalize, feel, be happy, understand. Just like God. Our brain is a physical matter but it also has its soul matter. That makes you think and function, make decisions, create and design.
"The soul is composed of the mind, will and emotions; it allows self-consciousness," Rebecca writes.
So human beings by default have the body. That's the physical. We have the soul. That's how we have personalities. Then, when our hearts receive Christ, we now receive the Spirit. The SPIRIT allows us to participate in the divine nature of God - to partake in the supernatural such as listening to GOD - who is Spirit (John 4:24).
This may be nothing new to you. Again, it's just like looking in a mirror and that's nothing new.
But how many of us really believe that with all our hearts? I AM CREATED IN THE IMAGE OF GOD. How many of us grasp the part that God gave his resemblance to someone formed out of dust? And how many of us are able to take in that our souls can be just as easily taken as it was given? How awesome and how marvelous is that miracle!
Look at the mirror. Do you know that you are a miracle?
Everything about you proclaims that God knew what He was doing when He breathed life into your little body when you were still in the womb. Everything about you was given so that God can show how much He loves you. What value is how many millions of lives being added into this world every decade! How uniquely fashioned is each human being!
In science, we read about each person's DNA being unique. People build advanced machines to sequence and study our DNA to find out about a person's unique makeup.
Well, think about it. GOD has his DNA in you. YOU ARE NOT AN ACCIDENT. Your life matters. It has purpose and value. Realize how amazing you really are. And ponder that someone above loved you through time and space, for all eternity.
GOD LOVES YOU! That is enough to give GOD glory and praise.
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