Big words. Yes, temptations begin in the mind. But the good news is change also begins in the mind. Let me repeat that, change begins in the mind.
The moment that you let God win over your thoughts, the sooner and closer you get to victory. However it is much easier said than done, just like Jesus' unchangeable truth, "The truth will set us free." But it is true. The truth will change your life, relationships, words and action if you let knowledge of the truth begin to sink in your mind first.
As an example, one of the things I thought was the purpose in life was to fall in love, find the right one and get married. Indeed we are bombarded with that kind of message. Love and marriage is a gift. But it is not the purpose of life. It is Jesus.
How did I come to that conclusion? Good question. It was a process of unwinding wrong thoughts, beliefs and motives.
One of the motives of my life was to find the right one. Before I see all of life through this lens. Finding the right one. Isn't that something that would describe our world today? Find the right one and if someone you're in a relationship with is not the right one, move on to the next.
But when God began to shape my mind...Number 1, Finding the right one is not the end goal of life Marie, I AM (Jesus). Having a relationship with Me is. Number 2. Real love waits. It waits when you are ready. It waits for My blessing. It waits for the right time. True love is sacrifice. Love is not convenient. Most times it is sacrificial just like what I did on the cross. Number 3. I do care about it. I want you to wait for the best...That's when things in my heart begin to change. I agree with the Lord that Jesus is right and things that are precious to the Lord are worth the wait.
But first I had to be taught to renew how I think. Real love waits. Lust cannot. It seeks to be satisfied by one relationship after another even without the commitment of a possible marriage.
Let me get one thing straight. Marriage is good. It is a covenant we make with God to be for the other and with the other in good times and bad. The purpose of marriage is for godly offspring. Marriage begins with the vow. Marriage will probably perfect love but more often it will test it. Marriage will test love. I've seen some marriages having better love as a result of the marriage but what I'm observing is marriage also tests the love you've vowed to the other.
And why not wait and understand and practice love that gives even before you make that covenant? Use your single time to extend the love of God to other people without a need for a covenant, just because you just want to share that beauty of His wonderful and compassionate love to the world.
Marriage can perfect love but it will also test it. Unless you truly love someone and are willing to go and take the sacrifice, don't be hasty to make those vows. :-)
Pray and think about it.
Anyway, God gives us power to overcome. The best way according to some advice is to run from the sin, or to choose to dwell on God-honoring thoughts, or call on God and other people for help. Just ask for help! Ask them to pray with you to help release you and bless you that you may obey God.
I am already holy to God but sometimes life can still be a battlefield. I hope and pray that these stories today will strengthen and protect you in your walk with God. You are very blessed to hear from God. Because there are no accidents in life. Whatever wisdom or knowledge you hear, sooner or later or maybe now it will show its purpose why it was sent. Why are you hearing this? God has his reasons and you are very blessed to hear from Him in any way. Very blessed. :-)
Father I pray that you will guard the hearts and minds of the people reading this. I pray Lord that you will make their discernment as sharp as a snake and their innocence like doves. Father I pray that you will empower them to think, believe, act, and know that they are indeed victorious and they have the power to trample over the lion and the cobra (of which the enemy or sin can represent sometimes). I pray Lord that you will guard and protect them, for Your sake, their sake and future generations after them. Please guide, strengthen and embolden them in their faith today. In Jesus Name I pray. Amen.
Here's also a good resource written by Partners in Hope on how to deal with temptation:
May you grow in the knowledge and grace of our Lord Jesus. God loves you guys! :-)
The moment that you let God win over your thoughts, the sooner and closer you get to victory. However it is much easier said than done, just like Jesus' unchangeable truth, "The truth will set us free." But it is true. The truth will change your life, relationships, words and action if you let knowledge of the truth begin to sink in your mind first.
As an example, one of the things I thought was the purpose in life was to fall in love, find the right one and get married. Indeed we are bombarded with that kind of message. Love and marriage is a gift. But it is not the purpose of life. It is Jesus.
How did I come to that conclusion? Good question. It was a process of unwinding wrong thoughts, beliefs and motives.
One of the motives of my life was to find the right one. Before I see all of life through this lens. Finding the right one. Isn't that something that would describe our world today? Find the right one and if someone you're in a relationship with is not the right one, move on to the next.
But when God began to shape my mind...Number 1, Finding the right one is not the end goal of life Marie, I AM (Jesus). Having a relationship with Me is. Number 2. Real love waits. It waits when you are ready. It waits for My blessing. It waits for the right time. True love is sacrifice. Love is not convenient. Most times it is sacrificial just like what I did on the cross. Number 3. I do care about it. I want you to wait for the best...That's when things in my heart begin to change. I agree with the Lord that Jesus is right and things that are precious to the Lord are worth the wait.
But first I had to be taught to renew how I think. Real love waits. Lust cannot. It seeks to be satisfied by one relationship after another even without the commitment of a possible marriage.
Let me get one thing straight. Marriage is good. It is a covenant we make with God to be for the other and with the other in good times and bad. The purpose of marriage is for godly offspring. Marriage begins with the vow. Marriage will probably perfect love but more often it will test it. Marriage will test love. I've seen some marriages having better love as a result of the marriage but what I'm observing is marriage also tests the love you've vowed to the other.
And why not wait and understand and practice love that gives even before you make that covenant? Use your single time to extend the love of God to other people without a need for a covenant, just because you just want to share that beauty of His wonderful and compassionate love to the world.
Marriage can perfect love but it will also test it. Unless you truly love someone and are willing to go and take the sacrifice, don't be hasty to make those vows. :-)
Pray and think about it.
Anyway, God gives us power to overcome. The best way according to some advice is to run from the sin, or to choose to dwell on God-honoring thoughts, or call on God and other people for help. Just ask for help! Ask them to pray with you to help release you and bless you that you may obey God.
I am already holy to God but sometimes life can still be a battlefield. I hope and pray that these stories today will strengthen and protect you in your walk with God. You are very blessed to hear from God. Because there are no accidents in life. Whatever wisdom or knowledge you hear, sooner or later or maybe now it will show its purpose why it was sent. Why are you hearing this? God has his reasons and you are very blessed to hear from Him in any way. Very blessed. :-)
Father I pray that you will guard the hearts and minds of the people reading this. I pray Lord that you will make their discernment as sharp as a snake and their innocence like doves. Father I pray that you will empower them to think, believe, act, and know that they are indeed victorious and they have the power to trample over the lion and the cobra (of which the enemy or sin can represent sometimes). I pray Lord that you will guard and protect them, for Your sake, their sake and future generations after them. Please guide, strengthen and embolden them in their faith today. In Jesus Name I pray. Amen.
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Sourced from Partners in Hope's blog, PIH Today, Tempting Thoughts to Avoid, February 27, 2013 |
May you grow in the knowledge and grace of our Lord Jesus. God loves you guys! :-)
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