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Hearing from God

Very early this morning I did an exercise. I just spent some quiet time hearing what God wanted to say to me.

"The LORD came and stood there, calling as at the other times, "Samuel! Samuel!" Then Samuel said, "Speak, for your servant is listening.''
1 Samuel 3:10

I was so refreshed by the written exhortation of theologian A.W. Tozer where he said that God is a speaking God. Not only was the whole earth made by the spoken Word of God, but every thing of life is held together by the Word and power of God. Amazing!

Tozer said the Bible is just the WRITTEN Word but God still speaks, is speaking and is continuing to speak to people today.

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."
John 1:1

Have you ever experienced such wonder? If not, don't worry. There's always a first time. 

Try this: Get alone in your quiet place this week and get a pen and paper. Also a Bible. And then pray to Him in your own words, or you can pray back the words of Samuel, "Speak Lord, for your servant is listening.''

You can try to just be still for the first few minutes and picture yourself having a conversation with God and then begin to listen to that still small voice in your heart. Usually God's voice is very friendly and kind. While you're at it, you can also read the Bible and ask Him to speak to you. And then write down on your pen whatever He tells you. Usually God's Word will not contradict the Bible.

Wait there's more! Want to know a secret that God always likes to answer? 

Ask Him to reveal how much he loves you. Lord Jesus, how much do you love me?

This is biblical. Paul prayed in Ephesians 3:18 that you (the one reading this) - "may have power, together with all the Lord's holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ,"

Okay, to me, God's voice is very peaceful. It's always worth a first try don't you think?. :-)

Want to know what He said to me today? :-) This was what He said to me today:

"My love for you will never cease. I will never leave your side. I love you. You are beautiful to Me."

Okay, it sounds simple. But I cried tears on that one. And it's just this morning. 

Last night, God told me, "Keep up the good work!" That was the first time He ever told me that. He knew I was having uncertainty at times whether I was doing the right thing.

How about you try? ;-) Aww. Don't be afraid to make mistakes. Just try it. It's between you and God.

But it won't hurt if you also let me know how it goes okay? :-) Have a gggggrrrreeeeaaaattttt week ahead!


A.W. Tozer, The Pursuit of God (Mandaluyong City: OMF Literature, 2010), 73-82
The book was first written and published in 1948 at the United States of America.
