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The Flight of the Sparrow

Eurasian Tree Sparrow

I became fascinated with this creature one day. On the way to work, one passed over near the right side of my head and dropped to the ground. It seemed to be a normal event. Birds of this kind flock around the Philippines in urban cities, such as where I work.

And moments later, a second sparrow or "Maya", as it is called here, landed on the ground, again passing just over my head.

I took notice and Google-d that day what it was called and found the species - the "Eurasian Tree Sparrow" with scientific name Passer montanus, a bird that lives in Eurasia and Southeast Asia. 

I remembered Jesus' words about sparrows: "Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will FALL TO THE GROUND apart from the will of your Father. And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows." Matthew 10:29-31 (Emphasis mine)

I went home that day knowing the message is not to be afraid. And that God has his eyes on me, like this sparrow, even more so than many sparrows.

Days after the encounter, I stop whenever I see these little creatures drop to the ground. Sometimes they come in twos, threes and even solo. I just stop and watch in fascination. Never the same in how I see them. Where sparrows drop to the ground is within His hand. How wonderful! I will never see sparrows or mayas the same way.

You may think this is just an ordinary encounter. Maybe. But it is an encouragement to everyday life that God is always watching over us. His will is even in the smallest things as a sparrow dropping to the ground.
