We are all part of an organization. We may belong to a family, church or a community, company and so on. None of us are completely safe from receiving feedback.
What I would just like to share is some of hindrances in receiving helpful feedback constructively.
One is insecurity. The person bases his or her security in things like the love of people, their performance at work, their good image and so forth. If you can identify what it is they are basing their security on, it's easier to safeguard their reaction to constructive feedback when it is given. Could it be the reason why your employee cannot receive feedback constructively is because he feels insecure about his place at work or your organization? Then think of compensating for his insecurity first like he is valued or other sincere feedback or affirmation you can give him before you deal with the issue at hand. If it is the love of people he is insecure about, obviously receiving feedback from someone he feels doesn't love him or he fears he will lose their love will break them and the feedback will not be received properly. So make sure you compensate for the things he is trying to deal with, which is insecurity, in a constructive and positive manner before you confront the issue at hand.
The second barrier is of course as we know it, pride and the unwillingness to be corrected. It is the fallen nature of man I guess. We know as children we tend to resent our parent's correction. That's how I know babies are not necessarily good when they are born (no matter how cute they are). You are dealing with something that brought Jesus to the cross when you see it in people. You may think how you can help a person deal with his or her pride that will not break him or her.
Jesus is the one who will deal with this issue. We can only play a part to help the person realize this is a barrier to him or her receiving constructive feedback when it comes.
The word of God tell us "humility comes before honor" and that "pride leads to downfall." From your part, you see how it is constructive to help people deal with their pride. Number one, we want them to be honored. That is why we want to help them be humble first. Second, we don't want their pride to be their downfall, that's why we teach them to be humble when it can still be molded in their character.
Three - the person thinks you may not be the right person to deal with the issue. If so, if we really care for the person, then we'll leave it to a person he is close to who will help deal with the issue. One of them is God. Pray for the person to come to the knowledge of God in this area where he or she is struggling in and speak healing in the name of Jesus to overcome their weakness.
I pray that your security will be in God. God loves you no matter how broken you are. God loves you. Jesus loves you and He is here for you. That's how you can overcome the fear of rejection in your life. "There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love." (1 John 4:8)
What I would just like to share is some of hindrances in receiving helpful feedback constructively.
One is insecurity. The person bases his or her security in things like the love of people, their performance at work, their good image and so forth. If you can identify what it is they are basing their security on, it's easier to safeguard their reaction to constructive feedback when it is given. Could it be the reason why your employee cannot receive feedback constructively is because he feels insecure about his place at work or your organization? Then think of compensating for his insecurity first like he is valued or other sincere feedback or affirmation you can give him before you deal with the issue at hand. If it is the love of people he is insecure about, obviously receiving feedback from someone he feels doesn't love him or he fears he will lose their love will break them and the feedback will not be received properly. So make sure you compensate for the things he is trying to deal with, which is insecurity, in a constructive and positive manner before you confront the issue at hand.
The second barrier is of course as we know it, pride and the unwillingness to be corrected. It is the fallen nature of man I guess. We know as children we tend to resent our parent's correction. That's how I know babies are not necessarily good when they are born (no matter how cute they are). You are dealing with something that brought Jesus to the cross when you see it in people. You may think how you can help a person deal with his or her pride that will not break him or her.
Jesus is the one who will deal with this issue. We can only play a part to help the person realize this is a barrier to him or her receiving constructive feedback when it comes.
The word of God tell us "humility comes before honor" and that "pride leads to downfall." From your part, you see how it is constructive to help people deal with their pride. Number one, we want them to be honored. That is why we want to help them be humble first. Second, we don't want their pride to be their downfall, that's why we teach them to be humble when it can still be molded in their character.
Three - the person thinks you may not be the right person to deal with the issue. If so, if we really care for the person, then we'll leave it to a person he is close to who will help deal with the issue. One of them is God. Pray for the person to come to the knowledge of God in this area where he or she is struggling in and speak healing in the name of Jesus to overcome their weakness.
I pray that your security will be in God. God loves you no matter how broken you are. God loves you. Jesus loves you and He is here for you. That's how you can overcome the fear of rejection in your life. "There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love." (1 John 4:8)
God's love is what will help you deal with the fear of rejection in your life. It will help you see constructive feedback as something that is helpful and not meant to break you but to bring you to a more excellent way of life. The Lord loves you so much. That is what will differentiate condemnation from constructive feedback. Condemnation has something to do with rejection. No love. You are not rejected by God. God welcomes you as you are. Condemnation has to do with the feeling of being rejected by God. The Word of God says that those who reject God are those that are condemned (and will have the feeling of being condemned) [John 3:18, John 3:36]. Why? Because if it weren't for Christ we are condemned with our many transgressions. But because God provided a way for you to be received in His presence in spite of your weakness (Hebrews 10:14), "Therefore, there is now no condemnation for (you) those who are in Christ Jesus" (Romans 8:1).
"Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many; and he will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him." - Hebrews 9:28
Beloved, can you now differentiate the way God loves with the way the world rejects the righteousness of God? God sees the person he is trying to bring to wholeness, not to condemn him but to save him from the coming destruction and judgment for those who are disobeying God. Hence there should be no more insecurity when God is dealing with us towards holiness, because He is the God of love. He is the God of truth. He is the way, the only way, to salvation. No one else but Christ alone can forgive sin. No other religion claims to forgive sin out of love. No other religion will claim to be able to erase and forgive sin in your life in the name of a God who died for you to be forgiven.
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