The late Steve Jobs, founder of Apple (1955-2011) |
I have this theory that the creations people make are sometimes an extension of themselves. I think about Steve Job's products - the Apple Stores, the iPhone and iPad and iPod. I can't help but think how each of these products have an imprint of his marvelous creativity, love for product design and eye for details. He is probably an artist and technologist with a blend of perfectionism. I heard that he wouldn't let a product be released in the market without his personal stamp of approval.
And then I hear of Ray Kurzweil, a known futurist and author of The Singulariy is Near, who created an artificial intelligence character called Ramona, and I admire his brilliant mind and knack for knowing things, reinventing and not being satisfied with the status quo to see how things can get better, made more advanced and at a time frame that is faster and accelerating. Ray Kurzweil is a futurist that has studied the evolution of previous, current technology and has made predictions about technology that came true. He is a formidable man of our time and so was Steve Jobs. Brilliant people not content with the status quo pushing to make things better.
I can't help but think of my own Perfect Father God and remember how he created us and wanted us to have his imprints. To women he gave remarkable beauty that can possess the beholder and make a man live differently by such a beauty. God is very excellent. He is an excellent worker. All beauty comes from Him. Check out pretty people on magazines and they were God's ideas, an extension of his character, his gift to the world.
The Bible says that God is indeed beautiful and perfect. He made man to serve Him alongside heavenly beings. Lucifer was outraged to serve with us. What with all his beauty and his pride, he could not accept it. He wanted to be more beautiful than God himself and get all the glory, an aspiration that caused him his position, his eternal destiny, our world, our death and our separation from God.
While God is the author of everything beautiful in this world, Satan is the author of all illness, disease, war, self-righteousness, pride, envy, lust and so on - an opposite fruit of what God intended. Were I to think that God created me as an extension of Himself, I can't help but think He must have had better intended. I am not perfect. I still make some mistakes. But the more I think about my God, the more I know that I was not a mistake. The more I believe in goodness, love, purity, excellence, and of everything praiseworthy.
The Lord, the Creator of man, made man to be an extension of Himself. He gave his inherent desire to create to man and that's what we see with the people we look up to and admire around us. We see people who want to make the world a better place. People who want to create life from a blank canvas. People who want to make something good out of nothing.
The Lord is so good. And I'm so thankful He made me and gave my name, "Marie." The Bible says that, "God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them." (Genesis 1:27) "the Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils, the breath of life, and the man became a living being." (Genesis 2:7) God made us into so much more before we were separated from Him. Before He sent Jesus Christ to redeem what we had made of ourselves with our foolishness, selfishness and sin, God had wonderful plans for us to reign in eternity with Him. It is a position that we lost and that man seeks to regain through solutions using manly means.
I don't think technology is bad at all. It's a gift, an extension of the creative mind that God imparted so they can have the ability to make an impact and significance into our world. Technology has been used and has enhanced the spread of the gospel to the farthest and unreached ends of the world - airplanes to fly our missionaries, the printing press to print the Bible, translators to translate the original Hebrew and Greek writings, Twitter, Facebook, podcasts, blogs and so much more to get the word out about Jesus to the smallest of people. And finally cellphones and tablets to reconnect relationships, quick solutions to say "I love you," "You matter to me," "I'm with you," and "I'm sorry" that wouldn't take weeks to send via land.
Education has made its impact to man. It has spread the gospel and brought abundance and prosperity to mankind. However, let's never forget the wonderful life waiting for us when God finally takes his reign on earth. The truth is all of us, whether well-bred or brought from the slums, are equal. We are but dust and yet more unbelievably loved than we could possibly know.
I appreciate technology and I know man is a continuous work in progress to solve the effects that sin has created. Sin is the problem and our biggest problem. God in His goodness has already provided a way to solve it - through the sending of His son Jesus Christ, to die for us, so that we can receive forgiveness for our sins. At the end of it all, we can choose to pledge our allegiance to God in our lifetime or lose our position for something that we have created, preferring our own finite solutions to the plans of God to bring us back to Him and help us make sense of life along the way.
And then I hear of Ray Kurzweil, a known futurist and author of The Singulariy is Near, who created an artificial intelligence character called Ramona, and I admire his brilliant mind and knack for knowing things, reinventing and not being satisfied with the status quo to see how things can get better, made more advanced and at a time frame that is faster and accelerating. Ray Kurzweil is a futurist that has studied the evolution of previous, current technology and has made predictions about technology that came true. He is a formidable man of our time and so was Steve Jobs. Brilliant people not content with the status quo pushing to make things better.
I can't help but think of my own Perfect Father God and remember how he created us and wanted us to have his imprints. To women he gave remarkable beauty that can possess the beholder and make a man live differently by such a beauty. God is very excellent. He is an excellent worker. All beauty comes from Him. Check out pretty people on magazines and they were God's ideas, an extension of his character, his gift to the world.
The Bible says that God is indeed beautiful and perfect. He made man to serve Him alongside heavenly beings. Lucifer was outraged to serve with us. What with all his beauty and his pride, he could not accept it. He wanted to be more beautiful than God himself and get all the glory, an aspiration that caused him his position, his eternal destiny, our world, our death and our separation from God.
While God is the author of everything beautiful in this world, Satan is the author of all illness, disease, war, self-righteousness, pride, envy, lust and so on - an opposite fruit of what God intended. Were I to think that God created me as an extension of Himself, I can't help but think He must have had better intended. I am not perfect. I still make some mistakes. But the more I think about my God, the more I know that I was not a mistake. The more I believe in goodness, love, purity, excellence, and of everything praiseworthy.
The Lord, the Creator of man, made man to be an extension of Himself. He gave his inherent desire to create to man and that's what we see with the people we look up to and admire around us. We see people who want to make the world a better place. People who want to create life from a blank canvas. People who want to make something good out of nothing.
The Lord is so good. And I'm so thankful He made me and gave my name, "Marie." The Bible says that, "God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them." (Genesis 1:27) "the Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils, the breath of life, and the man became a living being." (Genesis 2:7) God made us into so much more before we were separated from Him. Before He sent Jesus Christ to redeem what we had made of ourselves with our foolishness, selfishness and sin, God had wonderful plans for us to reign in eternity with Him. It is a position that we lost and that man seeks to regain through solutions using manly means.
I don't think technology is bad at all. It's a gift, an extension of the creative mind that God imparted so they can have the ability to make an impact and significance into our world. Technology has been used and has enhanced the spread of the gospel to the farthest and unreached ends of the world - airplanes to fly our missionaries, the printing press to print the Bible, translators to translate the original Hebrew and Greek writings, Twitter, Facebook, podcasts, blogs and so much more to get the word out about Jesus to the smallest of people. And finally cellphones and tablets to reconnect relationships, quick solutions to say "I love you," "You matter to me," "I'm with you," and "I'm sorry" that wouldn't take weeks to send via land.
Education has made its impact to man. It has spread the gospel and brought abundance and prosperity to mankind. However, let's never forget the wonderful life waiting for us when God finally takes his reign on earth. The truth is all of us, whether well-bred or brought from the slums, are equal. We are but dust and yet more unbelievably loved than we could possibly know.
I appreciate technology and I know man is a continuous work in progress to solve the effects that sin has created. Sin is the problem and our biggest problem. God in His goodness has already provided a way to solve it - through the sending of His son Jesus Christ, to die for us, so that we can receive forgiveness for our sins. At the end of it all, we can choose to pledge our allegiance to God in our lifetime or lose our position for something that we have created, preferring our own finite solutions to the plans of God to bring us back to Him and help us make sense of life along the way.
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