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Measuring Our Life Impact

Is the significance of our life in Twitter followers, achievements, title, status? Is it by the weight of the assignment, the decision-making role given? Where do you draw the line between a significant role and an insignificant role? How do you know you made an impact at the end of your life?

These are the kind of questions that unbelievably drew me to the search for God. There are many accounts in the Bible where God used people just as they were - their personalities, interests, career, background, gifts, talents, training. And He used them all to glorify Him. Whatever age they were. Whatever status. Whatever their vocation was. It did not stop God from using them.

The life that God uses is a life that is available to Him. He doesn't require perfection without failures or mistakes which we all agree we cannot achieve. He sent Jesus for that very purpose so we'll be free to live the life we were meant to live, just as we are. We don't have to fit or conform to other people's plans for us. We just have to find our part in His master plan.

God also does not distinguish between the weight of the assignment. If it were, I might not want to get married because that would mean less time for duties or less time to reach my goals. The Lord calls us to make an impact in seasons. He does not distinguish your impact when you're a starting graduate with less roles as long as you fulfill the purpose of God for you in that season. 

I don't have to wait until God uses me with the sense of duty and burden to know that my life is indeed significant. I am already significant. Jesus died for me. I am significant to Him. 

I believe a life's "significance" or "value" is already a given. But I believe "impact" is intentional. 

If you want to create an impact in your life everyday, choose to use the platform - job, tools, role, talents, skills, desire, interest - that He gave you to serve Him and others. People think they have to be where the "more weighty" issues are to make an impact, but if you're not called or designed there, it won't make you happy or truly serve others. 

Are you a teacher? Choose to mold the character of your students and commit to their excellence and school life. Are you a builder? Build as if you were building a temple for God, along with the details and the labor as if it were an act of love. 

Are you a writer? Then write words that "build up" not tear down that it may benefit those who listen. The Bible says, "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths that it may benefit those who listen." Are you a pianist? Then make music that will express your heart for the world, for the people and hit your point on the things that you or other people care about.

Are you a singer? Then sing to glorify God, sing passionately and sing for the world. Teach other singers your craft and help them to reach their potential.

Are you a waiter? Then smile and greet people as if you are serving Christ, not men. Are you a world leader? Then govern in accordance for the good of man and be a model of excellence, integrity and righteousness that your constituents will follow your example.

No life is ever in vain. To God all of this matters. You matter. You matter. You matter. The world is in need of your talent and gifts. The world is in need of your time. You can make a difference.
