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Your Impact Beyond Numbers

In spiritual matters, the impact of your life is not always measured by numbers. Understand  your calling will be tested. Your life will be tested. You won't always get the results quickly. Your perseverance will be tested. Sometimes it will be tempting to quit being good, doing good and serving.

However, God honors the life that has been faithful to Him, even in times of testing. God honors perseverance. God honors that things are not just done right but with the right intentions and the right way in the direction that pleases God. Besides, if your reward is ultimately in heaven, why would the numbers matter.

It's not every time that you will be recognized, serve anyway. It's not every time that people will say, "thank you," do it anyway. It's not every time that people will notice, commit to it anyway. Don't measure the impact of your life by numbers. In spiritual matters, faithfulness, availability and obedience are as important.

It may be different in business and professional life of course. I don't disagree with the experts. For them, results also count.

What I'm saying is, in God's eyes, the reward is with him. You don't need to prove you are making an impact. The true servants in life do it even when there's no one around and even if there's nothing in it for them. :-) In God, YOU ARE STILL AMAZING! I love you all in the Lord! Thank you for reading. God bless you this weekend and please stay safe! :-)
