We all had
been through many storms together and God has been faithful. From recovering
from a global recession to transforming
our nations and workplaces, God had brought us through. When we felt like the
storms got us on our knees, God was with us.
Right now, our faith needs to shine once more. We are the salt and light of the earth, the lamp in the darkness, wherever we came from. The God who saved us from many difficulties, whether personal, nationwide, corporately, and globally will come through. And we need our faith to rise more than ever.
Just a month ago, during our leadership group, we were praying against COVID-19, and we believed that God has raised up modern-day Josephs of our time, people who would be able to come up with different solutions to save a people from perishing, to feed the hungry, and to preserve a generation from destruction. Many have already risen up and have acted with wisdom on the local levels. I continue to believe that more solutions are coming as each does his or her part. I pray that you will let God use you this time.
Be the blessing you know you always had been. This is your moment and this is your opportunity, to look beyond to the sick, distressed, lonely, weary, and distraught around us, while exercising the necessary precautions, to also look after your health and family.
God still heals. If you find yourself sick during this time, there is still a good chance for recovery based on the numbers. Now is also your moment to get closer to Him. Pray for protection for your family. Come boldly as a child of God into His throne of grace. Where we have fallen short, confess to Him. Get into His presence and soak in His Word.
Be strong. Remain faithful and hopeful.
For the healthy, be ready and be expectant. Do what you need to do to be a blessing. The Word of God encourages us not to store up for ourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Yes, we can save and cut a few costs here and there, but also invest in eternity. Provide for the needy, and you will have a reward in heaven.
When in trouble, remember what God already did for you. Even if God chooses not to answer our prayers, and it’s only our salvation in heaven through Jesus Christ that we receive, we are already grateful. Because we can testify that none of us deserved His grace.
Now is also time to reflect on our lives. Romans 14:12 says “'As I live,' says the Lord, 'every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God.' So then each of us will give an account of himself to God.” I feel this is the time to open our hearts to God and allow Him to look in there and hear what He has to say. When we reach heaven, we will not account for the sins of others. We will only answer to God for our own. So in the privacy of our quarantine and time alone, allow God to look and check our hearts and let Him heal those areas that need confession and His grace. Change happens in that private place when we open our lives to the God of Heaven. We will all collectively ask Him to forgive and change us from the inside out.
For those who had not heeded God at some point when He first called, now is the time to come again. God has already made up His mind to forgive. I like what the prodigal son did, and he just came home. The father wrapped his arms around him and restored him to his place as a son.
In closing, we do not deny the darkness that has befallen us but it is still not bigger than our God. Remember the Earth is just one among millions (and much much more) stars in space. He is still greater. He is still on the throne. And He is still able.
May God bring us out of this darkness. May He shield us, protect us and enable us to face it with newfound courage, wisdom and faith. We will do what we can and make the most of every opportunity to shine His light. Kudos to everyone especially our doctors and nurses, and volunteers at the local, national and global levels. For the researchers and medical supplies companies, to our businessmen who contributed so much to this already:
“May the Lord bless you and keep you;
May He make His face shine upon you,
And be gracious to you;
And may He lift up His countenance upon you,
And give you peace.”
May He make His face shine upon you,
And be gracious to you;
And may He lift up His countenance upon you,
And give you peace.”
Numbers 6:24-26
We don’t know what will happen over the next months. We faced many uncertain times that we thought would not end. But they did. And let us pray that this too will have its end. Thank you.
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