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Encouragement from Oppression

Last night, I felt God's smile and joy as sons and daughters have come home. God is so happy and if God is happy, I am thankful.

Nevertheless, we have to address a need of people, which is to recover and heal from oppression, people would call these days as "bullying."

Bullying indeed is not a light issue. I had been bullied in different parts of my life before, by people I knew and people I did not know so much. I repressed a lot of my pain and it resulted in depression and some of my negative habits that I turn to make sure I don't get bullied again.

I have projected my "bullies" on unknown people and that's when I knew the trauma has been repressed.

While I have come to terms with my own pain about it, I use my experience to comfort others who have been through more than I had.

The personal justice I got from God, without hurting my offender but letting God bring out the truth of the matter as He healed me, made me feel secure in God. I learned to love Him more because of how He has loved me. I thought no one knew what I was going through. I was doubtful at times if God would defend me from people, because I did not experience defense when I was young. When I grew up, I found it hard to trust God to defend me and I didn't know why. I had a lot of defense mechanisms that I acquired growing up - not talking about an issue, not confronting it, to becoming too sweet to people but deep down I was really holding many pains and grudges that I could not express in an emotionally healthy way as an adult. I was a late bloomer so to say in becoming an emotionally healthy person. I'm still healing at 28. It has been a liberating, gentle, but at times heart wrenching process as I address and confront my pains and my hurts and turn them over to God.

Having shared my story, I now want to be a bridge for people to receive comfort from God about childhood pain, abuse, oppression, bullying and others. While there are so many aspects of bullying and other childhood trauma issues, I will focus more on the hurts and the pain in this blog.

As I speak, I have not been able to take my anti-depressants for a day. Maybe it is bringing out the emotion in me.

I also think this blog would address the need of the LGBT community and others in light of present concerns. I would just like to say that I am very admiring of the kindness and softness of the people in this community. Handling pain and struggles from accepting oneself and struggling with personal identity and security and other issues can soften people's hearts and make them sensitive to others in ways that only co-sufferers would understand. You would find that they are very relational and always seem like a good friend to have, and I mean that in a good way.

Okay, here it goes...

Bless you child of God, for your suffering has made you stronger. Your love greater. Those who have suffered much love much. They that have been forgiven great, loves and forgives much. 

You are the object of God's masterpiece in this world. You are the life and joy of this world. God has much in store for you that you may not know now. 

God loves you with every fiber of His being. He loves you truly, madly, and deeply. 
 more than I can and more than anyone can ever feel. He is very jealous for you. He wants to be your partner in life. He wants to be your all in all. 

As you allow Him to enter into your pain, allow Him to know every one of your hurts, and deal with it one by one.

 I pray that God's love for you will just enter your heart. I pray that God will make His home there and slowly heal each pain and hurt one at a time, a little each day, or in one instant heal as He wishes. 

I know it seems hard to know how to love someone you barely know, but believe me, He knows you. When He made you, He knew you. And He knows the wonderful things you will do in this world some day. 

Some days you will still have pain. I wish I have better news. But know that we don't live in a perfect world that people are perfect and won't be able to hurt us. But God has overcome, and He will make it all right some day.

I have this picture of God holding you right now, and hugging you. I pray you will let it sink in even in your own imagination. Picture the God of Heaven in all His light, loving and warm eyes, hugging you now! You are forever written in the hands of God. Your name is written in the palm of His hands. 

One day, God will make it all right. He will wipe away every tear, every hurt and every pain. He will make it all right one day. 

God loves you with as much passion and grace as He feels for you. May you grow more each day knowing the God who cares and loves you. May you grow deeper into a relationship with Him. May you make Him your Husband. :-)

He is my Husband, God is my Husband. And He wants to be the same for you. 

God is full of light, wisdom, counsel and understanding. I'm excited because you will learn more about yourself the more time you spend with Him. But most importantly, you will know God more and more! 

I love you today with the love of God, by saying His words for you. But there is God who will love you every day for your entire life time and forever! There's nothing more better! And I will wager you on that girl friend or guy friend.  ;-) 

Let Him be the center of everything. And I pray you will also discover as I have that nothing like His love compares! 


In Jesus Name, Amen.

Jesus Loves ME!

For all of us:

I want you to know the depth of God's desire for you. You may not feel wanted, desired, pursued. But God WANTS, DESIRES, and PURSUES you. Just look at the stars and the heavens. Each star is a reminder of every person He loves. 

You ARE A STAR. You are a light in this dark world. Let your light and brilliance shine. Bring much love, compassion and beauty in this world. You are one in billions of people. You are just one, and God loves you so! There will never be anyone like you.

God bless and spread the love!
