Yesterday, during our small group we discussed the Parable of the Sower ( Luke 8:4-15 ). Normally, this parable pertains to how the Word of God turns people into new believers. However, this parable could also be considered for believers in the faith and their response to the Word of God. Image by congerdesign from Pixabay The first group hear the Word, but doubt and unbelief keep them from receiving it. Have you had some doubt in God or doubt in the Word? Test where your doubt is coming from. It may be mistrust, other underlying beliefs in the past or a stronghold that keeps you from receiving God's Word. The next group did receive the Word but were not able to grow their roots. It can mean that the Word of God was received intellectually though it has not penetrated the heart. These group of people sometimes I can identify with. A Christian author on Hearing the Voice of God said that you have to meditate on God's Word. It's not just hearing but actually meditating on th...