Yesterday, after work hours, I felt the Lord tug at my heart. "Come," he said. "Take a walk with Me. I will show you something," not knowing at all where He'll lead or what He will say. I wanted Him to talk to me at that moment while praying at work. I was in need of comfort. But then I knew the only way to find out is to heed Him to follow and so I did.
He led me first to a garden filled with couples, I thought for sure He
was kidding. But anyway, when you take things a moment at a time, you
don't look too far ahead. I just take it all in, wait for what He will tell me. And so I prayed there not bothering with anyone (all the duos around me) and just prayed and waited. No Word yet, just this "They just want the same things you want." I did not reply back. I just wanted to listen to what He will say. Then I was prompted it was time to move out and keep walking elsewhere.
Then I arrived to this line of flags at a business school in Makati: flags of the USA, India, etc. I've seen those before but they do not have meaning to me until now. The next Word to me was God had a bigger vision than I had. He had a bigger dream that was bigger than my dreams. I am single today because of God's dream to reach out all those people. I want you to be a part of something bigger. An early marriage (not implying that I had a relationship but symbolized the death of an earlier dream) would have tied down your wings and you would have never fulfilled your purpose, never have seen what you can do, and not knowing the bigger picture ahead.
I remember that after a trip outside of the country last year, I received this new dream in my heart, to have every nation, tribe and tongue and language just worship God. It was a God-given dream. And I remember picturing that one day in heaven there will be these scores of people from every nation singing to God. And I know that is the dream. That is God's dream. I am trading my smaller dreams for a much bigger dream. Suddenly any form of pain seem small compared to a bigger gain. The problem may not be totally over but it's glimpses of hope like this that bring light to the heart in times of darkness.
The next thing I saw was this bright lamp post. And I felt the Words this time were a lamp does not remain hidden. It is meant to be revealed for everyone to see. "No one lights a lamp and then covers it with a bowl or hides it under a bed. A lamp is placed on a stand, where its light be seen by all who enter the house." (Luke 8:16) You can also read the whole chapter. It has a nice message. God is revealing His light in me, how it shines, even in my dark situations (and in my own darkness) to the world. People want to see the light. They want to see how it works. I am saying this prophetically, as it is not something I always agree to. God knows.
The fourth thing He showed me was this building where each room and window were still lit up and seen even at night. And His next Words were, "My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am." (John 14: 2-3) Best to also read the whole John 14. The point of the verse in our conversation is that God has so many rooms for anyone to come and taste and experience God, wherever they may be. Jesus is the key to this relationship.
God first led me to a garden filled with couples. "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." (Matthew 11:28) |
Then I arrived to this line of flags at a business school in Makati: flags of the USA, India, etc. I've seen those before but they do not have meaning to me until now. The next Word to me was God had a bigger vision than I had. He had a bigger dream that was bigger than my dreams. I am single today because of God's dream to reach out all those people. I want you to be a part of something bigger. An early marriage (not implying that I had a relationship but symbolized the death of an earlier dream) would have tied down your wings and you would have never fulfilled your purpose, never have seen what you can do, and not knowing the bigger picture ahead.
I remember that after a trip outside of the country last year, I received this new dream in my heart, to have every nation, tribe and tongue and language just worship God. It was a God-given dream. And I remember picturing that one day in heaven there will be these scores of people from every nation singing to God. And I know that is the dream. That is God's dream. I am trading my smaller dreams for a much bigger dream. Suddenly any form of pain seem small compared to a bigger gain. The problem may not be totally over but it's glimpses of hope like this that bring light to the heart in times of darkness.
The next thing I saw was this bright lamp post. And I felt the Words this time were a lamp does not remain hidden. It is meant to be revealed for everyone to see. "No one lights a lamp and then covers it with a bowl or hides it under a bed. A lamp is placed on a stand, where its light be seen by all who enter the house." (Luke 8:16) You can also read the whole chapter. It has a nice message. God is revealing His light in me, how it shines, even in my dark situations (and in my own darkness) to the world. People want to see the light. They want to see how it works. I am saying this prophetically, as it is not something I always agree to. God knows.
The fourth thing He showed me was this building where each room and window were still lit up and seen even at night. And His next Words were, "My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am." (John 14: 2-3) Best to also read the whole John 14. The point of the verse in our conversation is that God has so many rooms for anyone to come and taste and experience God, wherever they may be. Jesus is the key to this relationship.
God is a God who invites. Christianity is first and foremost a relationship with Jesus Christ. Many religions do not mean there are many gods. There is only one God and He is seeking a real relationship with real people. God wants to enter into our intimate situations and live among us.
You are welcome to join when you're ready. There is no limit. God has many rooms He is preparing for all of us. God is also inviting you to have your own journey with Him. It is as symbolic as God's invitation to me last night to "Come follow Me. I will show you things you have yet to see."
You can have your own conversation with the Father. Eagerly and patiently wait for His direction and leading when you have time. God has alloted a room just for you.
Heavenly Father. I pray for the people reading this today that You will embrace them God and have Your glory revealed to them in whatever situation they are in. In Jesus Name. Amen.
I may have experienced pain for a moment - and it is not all that comfortable - but there is gain to my pain, a story to tell, a light that shines and shines even more brightly even in the dark.
Thank you for listening. Have a wonderful week ahead!
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