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Calling Clean What was Impure

Acts 11:9: "The voice spoke from heaven a second time, 'Do not call anything impure that God has made clean."

This is the word of the Holy Spirit to Peter in a dream about God extending the gift of salvation to the Gentiles, those who are non-Jews and not part of God's chosen people, the Israelites.

Faith in Jesus Christ allows a woman who was once impure to be declared clean, pure and holy. Regardless of how many times the enemy can hurl an accusation or how many times people remember a woman's past, to Christians and to God, that woman is now clean and no one can ever call her impure again. She belongs to God's people and will be protected by the Lord, his people and heaven itself.

Such release we have received from God - to no longer be named names or be disqualified for the credits reserved to the righteous. To have our pain completely healed. To no longer be tarnished by the treatment of other people towards us. To release us from the insecurity and confusion of our original identity as women because people had given us an identity we were not created for.

To God, we are now pure and clean, able to hold our heads high as if nothing happened. 2 Corinthians 5:17, "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!"

Difficult memories of the past are washed away and we are free to make new better memories. In Church, we counsel women who have went through such ordeals and I am a grateful witness of the change GOD has done in these women's lives - of the hope they have received and of the love they have found in Jesus Christ.

If you know any woman or if you are that woman, what you can do for them is to introduce them to the Savior Jesus Christ. He is the only one who can mend their wounds, restore their original identity and break them free from the consequences of the past. She will be given a new life and where there was dishonor, honor will be given to her.

Wounds such as these cannot be dressed by man-made means. They go deep, tarnished into the very soul, affecting the outlook of the person towards herself, possibly towards her gender and towards people as well. These have to be brought to the Healer who will rescue, assure, and love and forgive her.

Wounds such as these can be easily masked if not mended early. Women will try to bury it, go on their normal life, and hope to never remember it.

But to our God, nothing is ever hidden. He intends to heal people. He intends to heal all of them, not just the ones we choose to be healed. We go to a doctor to heal the diseases we want healed. God heals even the diseases we don't think need healing. He is the All-Knowing God and Almighty Jehovah Rapha (My Healer). He is a good God that you can entrust your wounds to.

To be called pure is already hard for the few in this world. But with God, nothing is impossible. He can make the impure clean, spotless and blameless before Him. Would you want that too? Go to God and be willing to ask for help from other people who you think can help, people who want your best interest at heart and give you the care and concern of God that you need.

Our highlight verse today: DO NOT CALL ANYTHING IMPURE THAT GOD HAS MADE CLEAN. Amazing! All possible in the Name of Jesus.

